Joan and Mary
Mary, Anne, Joan
National Arts Centre / Centre National des Arts, Ottawa, June 30, Aug 30 2022
Mary, Anne, Joan was created for my hometown to honour my matriarchs: my now deceased mother Mary who was living alone in a seniors residence during Covid lockdowns, and her younger sisters, Joan (her designated “essential caregiver”) and Anne, who died 50 years ago. Their comings of age were filled with joy, sadness, and unexpected circumstances. Representing three archetypes of postwar femininity, this installation featured three giant spinning satin-gown forms that symbolically conjured megaphones, underskirt games, and glamorous attire. Within each playful interior a concealed pendant speaker - part of an immersive multi-channel audio score - amplified childhood antics and achievements. A reckoning with life’s twists and turns, the work celebrated the fleeting yet never-ending nature of girlishness.
Mary, Anne, Joan was dedicated to Catherine Anne Robertson (Christie), 1938 – 1973
Fae Alexander, Vocals
Mark Camilleri, Piano
Maxine Kenneally, Vocals
Neal Evans, Double Base
Peg Evans, Vocals
And special thanks to our young vocalists, Augie and Maeve
And also: Marvin Schlichting, Felsen Tailors